Release Notes 03/08/2022

Contains enhancements, bug fixes and new features

App version 12.31.0

Enhancement/Bug fixes

  1. Fixed- Resources back button simplified UI not working
  2. Fixed- App crashing when a user tries to create new form submission
  3. Fixed- Uploading Profile Picture does not work on mobile apps
  4. Fixed- users contact outer shape corners change to sharp edges
  5. Fixed- Health Overview: date of the reading doesn't show up for Custom Indicators
  6. Fixed- Export: when the reading is zero, it shows up as empty
  7. Fixed- Health Overview: turning test mode on and off clears the data the user had in custom indicators
  8. Fixed- Workflow history doesn't show all the history of the workflow
  9. Fixed- App's main page headers (Contacts/Managed Users) UI/UX inconsistency
  10. Fixed- Adding a date to Workflow status and overall status on Health overview.
  11. Fixed- PDF export shows either Imperial or Metric based on patient's settings and not staff's permissions
  12. Fixed-  Remove repeat from option for a reminder
  13. Workflow list now sorted alphabetically

New Feature

  1. Workflow status is now visible to the  staff on the dashboard
  2. Dashboard: Ability to add graphs/trends to custom table