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User Manuals for Kit Devices
General Help Resources
Resources for Patients using an Aetonix Tablet
Resources for Patients and Family using aTouchAway on their own device
Resources for Managers
- Overview of the Aetonix System
- Using the aTouchAway Dashboards - Basics
- Using the aTouchAway Dashboards - Setup and Permissions
- Using the aTouchAway Dashboards - Patient Monitoring and Reports
- The aTouchAway App - Basics
- The aTouchAway App - Setup and Permissions
- The aTouchAway App - Patient Monitoring
- Managing the Aetonix Tablet
- User Guides
- Manager Specific FAQs
- Other
- Using the aTouchAway Dashboards - Care Pathways
- The aTouchAway App - Care Pathways
Resources for Org Managers
Suggestions & Feedback
Release Notes
Release Notes 06/17/2021
Contains new features, bug fixes and app enhancements
New Features
- File picker in forms - Added option to only select from camera
- Multi-select function for adding/removing managers to patients - single or multiple managers can now be added to multiple patients at once
- Test mode functionality - Test data can now be deleted for patient accounts after testing and before deploying the kit to real patients.
Enhancement/Bug fixes
- Fixed - Workflow history only showing 32 results with no option to load more
- Fixed - IOS text messages - Keyboard prevents text field from showing a full message when typing
- Fixed - Date Picker - Nothing shows on IOS in dark mode