When requesting an aTouchAway® Kit, address formatting must follow Canada Post's guidelines.
If an error message that says "The shipping address provided is not valid, please verify and try again." appears on the Request Kit window in the aTouchAway® Dashboards, the address or name format may be causing an issue.
Spaces in the Text Field(s)
When entering an address, be sure to not add any spaces before or after the text.
Address includes an Apartment Number
If the patient has an address with an apartment / suite number, please add the information in the Address 1 field in this format: apartment number-building number street name. For example, enter 45-123 Main St in the Address 1 field. Do not enter information in the Address 2 field.
Brackets in the Patient's Name
If the patient's name includes brackets, for example James (Jim) Smith, the "Shipping address is not valid" error message may appear. To correct this issue, the patient's name needs to be edited. To do so, click the X in the top right corner of the Request Kit window or the Cancel button at the bottom.
On the Patients page, click the 3-dots to the right of the patient's name and click Edit. Update the patient's name on the Edit Patient Info, and click Save.
Then, retry the Kit Request Process.
To check if an address is correct, use the Canada Post Address Complete checker at:
Once the address has been confirmed, copy the correct address from the Canada Post site (yellow square below) and paste the address information in the correct fields in aTouchAway®.