Additional organization resources can be shared with a patient using the aTouchAway® Dashboards and the App.
Resources can be added for a patient using the:
To add a resource for a patient using the Dashboards:
Step 1: On the Dashboards under Patient Management, click Patient Resources.
Step 2: Click on a patient’s name and click Add Access to Resources. You can use the search bar (search by patient number or health card number) to assist in locating a specific patient.
Step 3: Locate a desired resource either by using the search field or scrolling through the alphabetized list.
Step 4: Click on the name of the resource.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 as needed.
Step 5: Click Done.
To add a resource for a patient using the App:
If Resources does not appear on the Patient’s App Homepage, Patient Manager permissions need to be updated to display this button.
Step 1: Under Your Managed Patients, tap on the name of the patient.
Step 2: On the Patient’s Profile page, tap Resources.
Step 3: On the Resources page, tap Edit in the top right corner.
Step 4: Locate a desired resource by scrolling through the alphabetized list and tap in the circle to the left of one or more resource names. Tap Save.
Patient Access to Resources
If a patient has been given access to a new resource, the patient is able to access the resource by tapping the Resources button on their aTouchAway® App.
If Resources does not appear on the patient’s app, patient permissions need to be updated to display this button.
aTouchAway® Tablet view:
Mobile / Bring Your Own Device App view: