How to Check your Blood Sugar with the Fora TNG Glucometer

Step-by-step instructions to check your blood sugar levels using the Fora TNG Glucometer connected to the aTouchAway app.

Your Fora TNG Glucometer should have already been paired to your aTouchAway tablet by your healthcare provider.  These instructions will show you how to respond to the tablet when you receive instructions to check your blood sugar.

You will see this screen on your tablet.  You will need to check your blood sugar before tapping the Ok button on this screen.  

Glucometer reading prepare to read from device

To Check your Blood Sugar

Take a brand-new test strip out of the test strip container and place it in the glucometer device with the Fora logo facing upwards.  

Poke your finger using a lancet and the lancet "pen".  Squeeze your finger slightly to express a blood droplet.

Touch the tip of the test strip to the blood droplet.  It will collect as much blood as necessary and then will beep.  The glucometer will process the reading.  

Tap the Ok button on your tablet.  Click the silver button on the glucometer once.  You should see the glucometer screen flash "OFF" followed by a blinking or solid blue light near the silver button.  You should see the device connect to the tablet.

Scanning for device (generic)

Connected reading from device (generic)

Your blood sugar reading should then appear on your screen.  

If the device fails to connect, you may choose to enter your reading manually.  Tap Here above the Done button to return to the main screen.  Select Manual entry and enter your results as they appear on your glucometer.


Would you like to print these instructions?  Click here to download the PDF.