Pairing Bluetooth Devices to a Mobile/BYOD patient app

Some Mobile/BYOD patients will have compatible Bluetooth health monitoring devices to pair to the app. These will need to be paired in their own app on their own device. Health data can also be uploaded manually.

Click Account menu under your name to access your app settings.  

BYOD account menu

Scroll down through the settings to find Bluetooth Settings / Bluetooth DevicesClick Bluetooth Devices.

BYOD Bluetooth Devices

Click +Add a new device to add a new Bluetooth device.

BYOD Add Bluetooth Device

Click Choose an item below to display the list of supported Bluetooth devices.

Aetonix only supports the devices on the dropdown menu.  If you have a device that is not on the list, do not pair it.  You will be required to enter your data manually in the app instead.  

BYOD Choose device to pair

The dropdown list:

BYOD Supported Devices List

Click Scan to start scanning for your device.  Your device will need to be in pairing mode with a flashing blue light for the app to pair to it.  Check the back label on your device for the MAC address, and search for it in the list that will appear in your app.  

BYOD click on scan

Once you've found the matching device, click Save.  

BYOD Save Bluetooth Device

BYOD paired Bluetooth device

Repeat this process with any other compatible devices you may have.  

To Edit or delete the device, click the Edit button.  The Delete button will then appear in the top right corner of the app.