Navigating the Dashboard

This article contains tips to help you find your way around the Dashboard to easily manage patient care.

This is the Dashboard.  Your Dashboard might have more or fewer features based on your use case and the features you require.  

Dashboard screenshot

Depending on your user role, your permissions, and your Care Pathway options, you may not have access to all the Dashboard levels and functions.  You may need to contact your group manager if you cannot complete the task you are trying to accomplish.  

The Dashboard is divided in a linear fashion.  

Group Management

This level of user management allows plan administrators to manage patient managers' accounts.  A group manager or administrator can add staff and control patient/client manager permissions. Care plans and Care Pathways are controlled at this level as patients are enrolled in the program. Most functions in this level are applied at a group or patient manager level.  
In use cases that do not have this Dashboard access, these functions are set up for you by Aetonix.  

User Management

The User Management level of the Dashboard allows the creation and management of individual accounts.  Access tokens are created, allowing users to log directly in to their accounts.  Other functions in this level allow control at the user level and are mostly used by patient managers.  Most of the functions controlled at this level can be configured from the aTouchAway app and the Dashboard.

Live Monitoring, History and Health

These Dashboard links will give you access to patient data for easy monitoring and reports.  This information is also visible in the aTouchAway app for a manager's patients.

Dashboard Side Bar Menu

Clicking on the three bars  hamburger icon  at the top of the Dashboard will reveal the side bar menu.  These are quick links to access the dashboard sections.  
This also provides an overview of the organization, the group you belong to, and your region.  

To log out of the dashboard, click the Logout button.